The intent of the following is to help give you and idea of they type of Grievance Language you can use when requesting support from your union. Please note that this language is in reference to Canadian Law, and Union Grievances are a civil effort.
Because Greivances are a civil effort, there is nothing stopping you from filing criminal charges against the people/managers that are committing unlawful activity against you, acting as an agent for whoever your employer/company/corporation is.
If pursuing Criminal Charges against the criminals is something you’re interested in learning about, please reach out to [email protected] to buy a copy of the CLEAR Annotated Criminal Charging Procedure in Canada, compiled by David K. Lindsay.
The Fork and Torch Society is not affiliated with CLEAR in anyway, other than being an avid fan of their work.
For the reader, Grievance Language:
The COMPANYs Corporate Jabbcination Policy is unlawful, and in violation the Canadian Bill of Rights; including but not limited to Part 1, Paragraph 1, Section (a) & section (b) & section (e).
Extortion, committing tort, privacy violation and willful misconduct are unlawful. Interfering with a persons to gainful employment is a violation of the Canadian Bill of Rights.
Cease and desist enforcement of the Covid Policy immediately with no ill-will or ill-intent to any employees. Rescind any disciplinary measures practiced against any employees that resulted from policy-enforcement, with no retribution or future discrimination. Full financial reimbursement for all lost wages and potential lost wages.
The COMPANYs Corporate Jabbcination Policy is unlawful, and in violation the Canadian Human Rights Act; including but not limited to
“Purpose of Act” Paragraph 2, purpose statement.
Part 1 “Proscribed Discrimination” paragraph 3, (1) & (3)
Part 1 “Discriminatory Practices” paragraph 5 (a)
Part 1 “Discriminatory Practices” paragraph 6 (a)
Part 1 “Discriminatory Practices” paragraph 7 (a) & (b)
Part 1 “Discriminatory Practices” paragraph 8 (a) & ((b) and subsequent statement
Part 1 “Discriminatory Practices” paragraph 9 (c)
Part 1 “Discriminatory Practices” paragraph 10 (a) & (b)
Part 1 “Discriminatory Practices” paragraph 12 (a) & (b)
Part 1 “Discriminatory Practices” paragraph 14 (c)
Cease and desist enforcement of the Covid Policy immediately with no ill-will or ill-intent to any employees. Rescind any disciplinary measures practiced against any employees that resulted from policy-enforcement, with no retribution or future discrimination. Full financial reimbursement for all lost wages and potential lost wages.
The COMPANY Corporate Jabbcination Policy is unlawful, and in violation the Canadian Genetic Non-Discrimination Act; including but not limited to:
“Prohibitions” “Genetic Test” 3 (1) (b) & (c)
“Prohibitions” “Refusal to undergo genetic test” (2)
“Prohibitions” “Disclosure of results” 4 (1)
“Prohibitions” “Refusal to disclose results (2)
Cease and desist enforcement of the Covid Policy immediately with no ill-will or ill-intent to any employees. Rescind any disciplinary measures practiced against any employees that resulted from policy-enforcement, with no retribution or future discrimination. Full financial reimbursement for all lost wages and potential lost wages.
The COMPANY Corporate Jabbcination Policy is unlawful, and in violation the Nuremburg Code. Understanding that the injections erroneously referred to as “V_______s” were only authorized based on a supposed “Declaration of Emergency” (DOE), it must be acknowledged that these injections are mRNA Gene Therapy (Admitted by the manufacturers) and still in experimental phases. The DOE in Canada was revoked on June 9th 2021. (Regulation 264/21)
By the COMPANY asserting that employees must be vaccinated by these experimental injections, this violates the Nuremburg Code “Directives for Human Experimentation”; including but not limited to:
Opening statement paragraph, Sentence 2.
In addition:
Point #1
Point #2
Point #3
Point #5
Point #6
Point #8
Point #9
Point #10
Cease and desist enforcement of the Covid Policy immediately with no ill-will or ill-intent to any employees. Rescind any disciplinary measures practiced against any employees that resulted from policy-enforcement, with no retribution or future discrimination. Full financial reimbursement for all lost wages and potential lost wages.
Extortion, Coercion, Intimidation & Discrimination
COMPANY is using coercion, extortion, intimidation and discrimination to enforce a Covid policy that is unlawful and discriminatory. COMPANY is violating the terms of the contract we entered when I accepted my position. COMPANY is attempting to change my employment contract without my consent or agreement; and using coercion, extortion & intimidation against me in efforts to compel me to accept an experimental injection that has proven to have deadlier side effects than the illness it is purported to protect against. COMPANY is breaking the law and committing criminal offenses by discriminating against myself and all other employees who have chosen to maintain the privacy of their medical decisions by not revealing their “vaccination” status. COMPANY is attempting to supersede Constitutional Law with a Municipal/Provincial level “suggestion”. COMPANY is misleading their employees with the false pretense of our Province being in a “State of emergency”, when the “State of emergency” was rescinded on June 9th, 2021 ( COMPANY is punishing employees with involuntary unpaid leave, and threatening with employment termination.
All of these activities that COMPANY is engaging in are in violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Bill of Rights, the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act, the Nuremberg Code at a minimum. COMPANY is using financial pressure to attempt to force me into compliance with a policy that is unlawful. COMPANY is destroying our familys’ long term plans and disrupting my pension.
COMPANY has every opportunity to accommodate a high number of staff with working remotely from home, but instead are insisting on forcing them to return to site, and then enforcing their unlawful Covid policy.
This is not complicated: COMPANYs covid policy is unlawful and COMPANY is breaking the law by enforcing it. COMPANY is committing coercion, extortion, intimidation and discrimination, all of which are criminal offenses.
Cease and desist enforcement of the Covid Policy immediately with no ill-will or ill-intent to any employees. Rescind any disciplinary measures practiced against any employees that resulted from policy-enforcement, with no retribution or future discrimination. Full financial reimbursement for all lost wages and potential lost wages.
You choose peace or war?
I choose freedom.
Today a reader,tomorrow a leader!